
The Bullfight at Las Ventas
Sunday, May 19th

The opening ceremony begins. 

The ceremony continues. 

As I said in my post, the first bull was pretty much a pacifist. 

The death of the first bull. 

During the second bull’s fight, it began to hail pretty heavily. 

Aunt's Visiting
April 13th, 14th, and 20th

The PCE (Partido Comunista de España) protest on Sunday, April 14th, 2013 at the fountain of Cibeles. 

Spring Break: Nine Days of Intrepidity
Saturday, March 23rd through Sunday, March 31st

Welcome to Rome in the rain! Tuesday, March 26th.

Getting de-iced in Zurich, Monday, March 25th

Traffic jam on Gran Vía. 

At one of the (many) crossroads of El Rastro on Sunday, March 24th, 2013. 

Virtual tour of the Colosseum, dedicated to my brother. Tuesday, March 26th

A view from the front of the Colosseum. 

Government building and piazza. Tuesday, March 26th

Check out the interior of the Pantheon. Tuesday, March 26th

Introducing . . . Pope Francesco! Wednesday, March 27th

Weekend with the Parents
Thursday, March 14th through Monday, March 18th

As we cruised along on the bus on our way to Valle de los Caídos, our tour guide gave a few facts about the surrounding area. 

The large stone plaza outside the church carved into the mountain at the Valle de los Caídos. 

Snow in Spain at the Valle de los Caídos, Valley of the Fallen. 

A panoramic of Parque del Retiro. 

A group of would-be 80’s rock stars struck up a familiar tune as my parents and I were leaving Plaza Mayor on their first day in Madrid, so we stuck around for a bit to see what they could do. 

Barcelona Trip with ESN
Friday, March 1st through Sunday, March 3rd

At the end of the trip, we went to a picnic where a show was put on for us. I guess it’s a combination of acrobatics and hesitant cheerleading . . . ? None of us were really sure what we were watching. 

The following two videos are for my brother. Bluegrass in Barcelona, eh buddy? Who woulda thunk it? :)

La Sagrada Família . . . a mini tour. Definitely worth a visit in person too.   

Ahhh the Mediterranean, the place where Monte Cristo’s famous island housed his treasure and the place where I first encountered the ocean! (I’m defending that it’s an official ocean visit because the Mediterranean is connected to the Atlantic by the Strait of Gibraltar and is not a landlocked sea). 

 Córdoba and Sevilla Trip with ESN (Erasmus Student Network)
 Friday, February 15th through Sunday, February 17th

A view out of the bus window on the way back to Madrid, just to give a glimpse of the country side and a nice view of our travel bus!

Fountain at the center of the Plaza de España

Plaza de España in Sevilla.

Walking through a market in Sevilla in the afternoon.

Several short videos of the Carnival Parade in Madrid this past Saturday, February 9th, 2013!

Little bit of metro trip accordion playing. Sorry for the blurriness. Not sure what was going on there . . .

Can't believe I made it into a clubbing video! That's one life goal I can check off the list. In all this 2 1/2 minutes or so of randomness, I appear only in the last 10 seconds or so. But it's a cool video so I highly recommend you just watch it and enjoy. This was filmed at a club called Mondino for the Erasmus and exchange students welcome party. 

A quick and circular tour of Toledo's main commercial plaza. All the shops and bars are in or around this area. Our tour concluded here and we were given roughly 2 hours of free time to drink and shop, which we did! Special guest appearance by Melanie. :)

Just a wee bit of street accordion. And then some of the peeps walking just ahead of me, through the streets of Toledo. 

While we were touring one of the many churches in Toledo, we happened upon one where a children's theater production was taking place. It was a one woman show, but she certainly kept the kids enthralled with her singing, multiple characters, and dancing around. This is just a short clip. 

This is just a little look into one of the workout rooms on the Getafe campus. I decided while biking that everyone back at home might like to have a look. Plus the machines are (as could be expected) all in Spanish. Pretty simple to translate, even for those who've never studied Spanish. Enjoy.


  1. I enjoyed the videos...keep them coming!

  2. Will do! Should be a video of my dorm room (i.e. a virtual tour) some time soon. Still have to upload all the Toledo photos though. I have over 100 so I need to go through and narrow them down ahahaha.
