Monday, January 14, 2013

Five Days 'til Launch

Well, it's T-minus five days and counting now before I take off from Chicago's own O'Hare International Airport and make my non-stop way to Barajas Airport in Madrid. It's roughly an eight hour flight, sure to be full of interesting fellow passengers, a little bit of trans-Atlantic turbulence, and perhaps a small complimentary alcoholic beverage mid-flight. Oh, it's good to be twenty-one.

I will be studying for the duration of the spring 2013 semester at la Universidad de Carlos III, which has three campuses: one in Colmenarejo, one in Getafe, and one in Leganes. All of these are essentially suburbs of Madrid as I currently understand it, perhaps cities in their own right. I s'pose I'll find out. Myself, I will be staying in the Leganes dorm, which is typically for engineering/science students. Being a chemistry major at Whitewater, I'm sure I'll fit right in.

At the moment, however, there is packing to be done. Lots of it. Hasta luego.

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